“What’s on your mind?”
Do you ever find yourself staring at those words knowing that you haven’t posted for a little while? You know you need to post but don’t know what to talk about. How long do you sit there waiting for the lightbulb moment?
Plan Ahead
The best way to prevent this from happening is to plan ahead. Find some time each month to write down a plan for the following month. It doesn’t have to be too specific, it just has to allow you to know what you are going to post about on select days.
Start a Post Idea List
Having a Post Idea List is another great way to prevent the problem. Whenever inspiration hits you, write down all your ideas -when you feel stuck, you have a whole list waiting for you! If you see someone create a post that particularly caught your eye, think about what you liked about it and add it to your list. If there’s a particular topic you want to cover, add it to your list. If you think of a particularly good phrase, add it to your list.
Create an easy post
If you’re really stuck, don’t be too hard on yourself and create something easy. Have you got any testimonials from happy customers? Don’t be afraid to share them (multiple times!). Are you working today? Share a behind-the-scenes shot.
Day-specific hashtags can also lead to easy posts. Have you heard of #MeetMeMonday? Or #WednesdayWins? #ThrowbackThursday? #FridayFeeling? Have a little search, there are so many of them!
Hold a Q&A
Creating a Q&A is another one of my favourite easy posts. Simply ask your followers to ask you questions! It works in any format; text only, image, video, live or stories. The best part about this is that it also gives you a list of questions to add to your Post Idea List.
Search for National Days
Nearly every day is a National, International or World Day of something. On the day this blog goes out, one the 10th of January, it’s:
• Veganuary
• Dry January
• International Walk Your Dog Month
• National Love your Liver Month
• National Houseplant Week
• National Save the Eagles Day
• National Shop for Travel Day
• National Oysters Rockefeller Day
• National Bittersweet Chocolate Day
• Peculiar People Day
Of course, most of them will be irrelevant to you and your business, but sometimes they can be enough to spark an idea.
Top Tip: they often have their own hashtag that can help you boost your post to the right audience as well!
Look at your old posts
Have a scroll down your own profile. What could you expand on an old post? Could you share the same information in a different format? Did you quickly reply to a comment, but actually, you have loads more to say?
Scroll through Social Media
If all else fails, Social Media itself can be a pool of inspiration! What questions are your ideal clients asking? What are your competitors up to – and what makes you unique? There are also tons of Social Media Marketers out there who regularly share post ideas!
Did you see my Tweet last week? Adam Mosseri posted a video of his failed attempts at making videos. I quote-tweeted it to say “This is the head of Instagram and I think it’s a great reminder that perfection is overrated. Don’t be afraid to admit your mistakes, don’t be afraid to post that video you aren’t quite satisfied about, and remember that Social Media should be fun!”