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© 2022-2023 Ace of Media
Original website by DoodlyDog; site now managed by Ace of Media
Social Media Audit
£55 for one platform, £16.50 per additional platform
• Month 1; an email with tweaks you can make to optimise your Page/Profile, 3 tips based on recent posts to help you improve your posts, the link to one of my blogs that I feel you need to read and a question to reflect on.
• Month 2 & 3; an email with 3 tips based on your recent activity to help you improve your social media strategy, an idea for you to explore to expand your comfort zone, and another blog and self-reflection prompt.
• Month 4; a similar email to the previous months but with a reminder of how far you’ve come since the Audit started.
In-between these four emails, you are encouraged to send me any thoughts, concerns, plans or questions so I can really tailor your emails to your needs!
1-2-1 Powerhour
£35 per hour
An opportunity to understand the social media blocks you’re facing. I can talk you though the steps to use a feature that’s been driving you crazy, I work with you to put together a content plan, I can answer any of your social media marketing questions.
How you choose to spend your powerhour and what you choose to focus on is entirely up to you!
Short-term management
Price to be discussed. Minimum £20.
This support is designed to keep your accounts active and thriving while you take some time off. It can include content creation and/or active engagement.
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© 2022-2023 Ace of Media
Original website by DoodlyDog; site now managed by Ace of Media