Wisdom, a lesser-known Social Media Platform | ft. Jen Griffiths

Wisdom. Conversations that matter.

Lesser-known Social Media platforms can give you the space to reach your ideal client without so much “competition”. And, you never know, you could be building your account on a platform that is about to become super popular! Today, I want to talk to you about a platform called Wisdom. For all you podcast lovers and mentors, this is definitely for you!

I’ve had a chat with Jen, aka the Tropic Pianist Gamer, to find out more about her recent experience using the app.

It reminds me of the podcasters version of an old Nintendo mobile game called “miitomo” – The concept is people can ask you questions, and you answer them. Simple enough. “miitomo” was text based, but the replies in Wisdom are voice notes of up to 59 seconds. In addition to this function, you are able to give talks (I’ve not tried this yet, but do plan to in the near future).

– Jen

Lesser-known but still popular

Wisdom was founded in 2021 by a lady called Dayo Akinrinade. Her vision was to democratise mentorship and offer people an inclusive space to come together and have conversations that matter. In 2021, it was only available to iOS users but was made available to Android users in March 2022.

It now has over 10K downloads from the Google Play Store. Compared to the 5 billion downloads Facebook has, or even the 1 billion TikTok has, that figure might seem small – but that could be an advantage for your business!

The team at Wisdom actually got in touch with me first, they’d noticed my podcast “Tales of an Anxiety Warrior” and said that they’d love to have me on their platform. It’s like they saw me as a voice of authority about my story, so I was flattered and thought why not join it and see what it’s about.

– Jen

Can you easily get followers on Wisdom?

Wisdom is based around community and conversations – it’s definitely not a platform to just post and run. Actively engaging is so important. Make sure you listen to other speakers and ask them questions.

I started exploring on the new app just before Christmas when I had an email from founder Alex. It looked interesting, so I figured I’d try it out and see if I liked it. If I like something, I’ll be consistent about it, so here I am 4 months later with a good following, and plenty of answered questions about various aspects of life under my belt! The founders awarded me with a “top mentor” badge, for my answers and my podcast, with my podcast being tagged at the top of my profile. This has increased my visibility, so to date I have just over 2k followers.

– Jen

Can Wisdom help your business?

This is the big question really, isn’t it? After all, the whole point of Social Media Marketing is to benefit our businesses. In my opinion, when used correctly, it has a huge potential!

That being said, like any platform, you need to ask yourself if your ideal client might be there. Currently, Wisdom is most popular in the USA and only available in English-speaking countries. People turn to Wisdom to learn, to be inspired and to join conversations that matter. If you’re a coach, a podcaster or a mentor, if you have a story to share to inspire and support people, then yes, I believe Wisdom could help your business.

In real terms, the app hasn’t caused my main business to grow, as a lot of people are international so wouldn’t be my ideal clients for Tropic (UK only) or Piano lessons (timezone issues) but I have had a bit more reach for my podcast, and people looking me up for my book and stories.

– Jen

Can Wisdom help you grow on other platforms?

Not only will it allow your potential clients to get to know you a little better, but it will also help you understand what questions they have – and therefore give you content ideas for your other platforms too. You might have heard me talk about the benefits of having a Post Idea list, well, Wisdom is a great way to grow that list!

It’s also handy to note that if you share the link to one of your Wisdom talks, people can listen to it without needing to download the app.

I love that people ask me interesting questions which get me thinking. I do take bits from my story, but I don’t give away too much personal information either. A lot of my voice clips are more like 30 seconds, because I’m usually quite to the point. I tend to answer the questions in between things at home. (e.g. between teatime and putting the kid to bed!)

– Jen

Should you give Wisdom a try?

If you think what on earth is it? You don’t even have to be the one answering the questions. It’s a way of discovering interesting podcasts by getting to know the host a bit by either listening to them answer questions that others have asked, or ask your own questions (by text of course!). Get involved, try something new! Of course it’s not for everyone, nothing technically is, but I love something that’s a little different to what’s already out there.

– Jen

My featured Guest

Jen Griffiths is a multi-passionate creative who does so many different things. I love seeing people’s faces when she starts listing everything she does at networking events! She’s known as the Tropic Pianist Gamer because she’s a Tropic Ambassador, a piano teacher, the Co-Chair of Nintendo Players UK, and the Co-Founder of Nintendo North Wales. She’s also an author and a podcaster. She has her own range of stationery, and she teaches others to self-publish theirs too. She also’s the host for a couple of regular networking opportunities. Her main focus though is to inspire people however she can.

Find her on Wisdom: htpps://wisdom.app/tropicpianistgamer (you can have a look at it without downloading the app)

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