
Social Media Marketing for Small Businesses

Twitter features in testing

Twitter has been on the news a lot with the Elon Musk takeover and the promise of an upcoming edit button, but they have also been working on a number of new features that are now in testing.

It’s important to remember that features in testing might never get fully launched, might only be available in the US or might only be available after some major changes.

1 – Edit Button (in testing)

So you probably know that this one is on it’s way, and likely can’t wait to get rid of those dreaded typos, but do you know what to expect?

The reason why Twitter has taken so long to give us an Edit button is because they were afraid that people would tweet something, get thousands of retweets and then completely change the whole message. The new Edit button will be trying to fight that possibility.

  • You will only have 30 minutes after your Tweet goes out to edit it.
  • When a Tweet is edited, it will say so by the date and time stamp. By clicking on this “Edited” sign, you will get to see the original post.
  • If you share the link to your Tweet and then edit it, the link will send to the original Tweet. It will say “There’s a new version of this Tweet”, by clicking on that statement you will be redirected to the edited Tweet.

In other words, there will be no hiding from your typos.

2 – Circles (in testing)

This feature is similar to Instagram’s Close Friends feature.

You will be able to add up to 150 people to your circle and share Tweets visible only to the Circle. They have warned that nothing is to stop people from screenshotting your Tweet and sharing that – so I assume retweets won’t be possible.

If you are added to a Circle, you will know but you won’t be able to leave it (unless you ask the person to remove you) – you can however mute it!

As a business, Circles could be used to Tweet out to existing clients only, or a select group who want to see more “behind the scenes”.

3 – Status options (in testing)

This is similar to Facebook’s Feeling/Activity feature.

When you Tweet, you will be able to add a Status from their list. The only screenshot I have found of this feature in action had to options “Shopping grocery,” “Driving highway,” “Lurking Twitter” and “Studying for the final exam” to choose from.

The main advantage I see with this feature is that it will save your characters for your actual message rather than scene setting.

4 – Pronouns (in testing)

They are finally going to give us the space to add our pronouns on our profile – without making us add them to our bio and using up essential characters.

This is a really important feature for everyone, even cisgender people. If everyone displays their features, it makes it easier for transgender or nonbinary people to display theirs.

5 – Mixed media (in testing)

Currently, you can post a video or up to four images in a single Tweet. They are testing allowing you to post both videos and images in a Tweet – you would still be limited to four medias.

As a business, this will allow you to post both a video showing the making of and a photo of your final product.

6 – Space card (in testing)

Spaces is a great feature introduced in 2021, find out more here.

An update to the feature is now in testing. When a hosts starts a Space, a Space Card will be sent as a Tweet so listeners can reply, engage, and share straight from the Space. The goal is to make it easier for listeners to join in to the conversation.